Since launching in 2011, I Ching Mothering Change is now used regularly by people all around the world.
This unique version of the ancient Chinese Classic of Change was developed by leading I Ching scholar and diviner Stephen Karcher, Ph.D. and Julie Chase-Daniel, to share the heart of In the Family Way. In a world weary of approaching change through heroic striving, I Ching Mothering Change expands our capacity to nurture the mutual process of becoming in ourselves, our families, and in the family of the earth that holds us all.
Rooted in the conviction that times of upheaval and change are the open hinge of evolution at all levels of human culture, we offer Mothering Change as a resource for those seeking to engage creativity and compassion to shape the transitions and transformations through which evolution unfolds.
It is an honor to continue sharing I Ching Mothering Change and we are grateful if your experience using it inspires you to donate to In the Family Way to support this and related projects we hope to share in the future. Thank you very much.